Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas from Honduras!

December……the month when we celebrate the birth of a king, Jesus, the true reason for the Christmas Season. It is also the time when we reflect back over the past year. We are excited to be a part of what El Ayudante is doing in our community here in Honduras. Here are some fun facts about what took place this year at El Ayudante.....maybe you didn't know about some of them!
  • 41 people without teeth received dentures
  • 230 Ultrasounds were performed
  • 59 Pastors attended our Pastors Conferences
  • 9 couples completed our 8 week marriage class
  • 3 couples were sponsored by a team so they could be legally married
  • 4800 adobe blocks were laid
  • More than 85 patients attended our monthly Hypertension club to learn how to manage their disease and improve their health
  • 23 latrines were installed
  • More than 275 families attended one of our Family Nights
  • More than 850 children attended one of our VBS Programs

Thanks for being a part of our journey and impacting Honduras for Christ.

Merry Christmas!
Amir & Denise