Where I Serve

El Ayudante (“The Helper”) serves the poor, agricultural communities surrounding Lo De Reina, Honduras, outside the city of Comayagua. Nearly 25,000 Hondurans in this central region of the country live on less than $5.00 a day. El Ayudante (EA) seeks to better their lives through humanitarian, educational, and spiritual solutions in the context of Jesus’ love for them.

Projects include our medical/dental clinic, home and latrine construction, bio-sand water filter installation/maintenance, children’s programs, Bible teaching, scholarship programs, pastoral trainings and more. We work with local leaders and the local church to build relationships and empower communities to help themselves.

I serve as the Director of Finance/Administration and the Team Communication Coordinator.

The campus consists of a large mission house for teams, five staff houses, three apartments for staff and visiting volunteers, a Learning Center, a soccer field, and a 4,500 square-foot medical/dental clinic.  Relationships, respect, and trust have been established throughout our region by helping meet community needs and training local leaders to be a vital part of El Ayudante. In all we do, we believe in equipping local leaders to invest in their own community; our goal is not just to “provide fish” but to “teach them how to fish.”

The Staff:
The current staff at El Ayudante is a partnership of North American volunteers and paid Honduran staff. All are committed Christians putting their faith into action. Our directors, Tristan and Elizabeth Mohagen, came to El Ayudante 14 years ago. Since then other missionaries have joined the team, each raising their own support.  Teams from the USA come throughout the year to help sustain and expand the work. Whenever possible, we employ local Honduran labor and staff, providing jobs to the unemployed.

Ministry Priorities:
·     A vibrant medical and dental clinic that is fully operational on a daily basis.
·   Community Transformation Committees to form an action plan to meet the needs, and accomplish the dreams, of their community.
·     Short-term teams energizing and advancing our long-term ministry.
    Focusing on education with our scholarship program and Learning Center that provides tutoring, computer lab and library to our scholarship recipients as well as the entire community.
·    Continuing our bio-sand water filter program, providing years of clean drinking water for families. (Over 1500 filters have been installed and are maintained)
·    Providing programs, supplies, and support to local elementary schools.
·   Overall community health improvement through our clinic, education, home construction, installing latrines, pouring cement floors, and installing water storage.

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