Monday, May 22, 2017

A full summer of service.......

This week kicks off our summer team season. This is week one of thirteen consecutive weeks of teams. We LOVE team season. Even though our ministry is year round, with ministry happening 365 days a year, team season is when the "heavy lifting" gets done. This is when our construction type projects take place......this is when VBS's, Family Nights and Sports Camps happen. The energy of teams gives us a boost, the activities are fun and we look forward to participating in them.

Here is a glimpse of what our summer will look like.......13 weeks.....13 teams.....

13 Family Nights - where we teach families how to build family relationships by praying, reading and memorizing God's word and playing together.

13 Children's Church services will occur while parents are being ministered to in their service.

13 Sports Camps will take place allowing us to reach out to our local youth.

8 Weeks of VBS will happen where HUNDREDS of kids will hear about Jesus.

137 water filters will be installed, blessing 137 families with clean water.

1 Adobe house will be almost completely built.

The list could go on, but you get the idea. Summer will be busy but in a good way. We will continue to reach our communities for Christ and continue to pour the love of Jesus into them.

As you go about your summer activities, please take a moment to stop and pray for us, El Ayudante and the teams that are here serving. We want God to move mightily in all of us!

Blessings to you!